A sphere packing approach to design multiplexed multispectral filter arrays


Recommended citation: A. Alvarado, N. Díaz, P. Meza, and E. Vera. “A sphere packing approach to design multiplexed multispectral filter arrays,” in Optica Imaging Congress (3D, COSI, DH, FLatOptics, IS, pcAOP), paper CTh2A.6. [Paper], [Link], [Presentation]

We propose a method to design a multiplexed Multispectral Filter Array (MSFA) based on Optimal Sphere Packing (OSP) in a 4D-Euclidean space that promotes uniformity and improved signal-to-noise ratio in the measurement process of the 3D-datacube while delivering enhanced reconstructions.


author = {Alejandro Alvarado and Nelson D\'{i}az and Pablo Meza and Esteban Vera},
booktitle = {Optica Imaging Congress (3D, COSI, DH, FLatOptics, IS, pcAOP)},
journal = {Optica Imaging Congress (3D, COSI, DH, FLatOptics, IS, pcAOP)},
keywords = {Cameras; Multiplexing; Multispectral imaging; Neural networks; Resolution; Spatial resolution},
pages = {CTh2A.6},
publisher = {Optica Publishing Group},
title = {A Sphere Packing Approach to Design Multiplexed Multispectral Filter Arrays},
year = {2023},
url = {https://opg.optica.org/abstract.cfm?URI=COSI-2023-CTh2A.6},
abstract = {We propose a method to design a multiplexed Multispectral Filter Array (MSFA) based on Optimal Sphere Packing (OSP) in a 4D-Euclidean space that promotes uniformity and improved signal-to-noise ratio in the measurement process of the 3D-datacube while delivering enhanced reconstructions.},